Just under a year before the fair begins, the figures for official registration at the EMO Hannover 2017 are looking rather impressive: more than 1,700 firms from 40 different countries have registered for the world's most important trade fair for the metalworking sector, booking a stand area totalling 152,000 square metres for the period from 18 to 23 September 2017 in Hanover. This means the current registration status lies significantly above the comparable result of the previous event. "It looks very much as if the EMO Hannover 2017 will end up with a record number of exhibitors," declares EMO General Commissioner Carl Martin Welcker.
The reasons he cites for the substantial rise are firstly that after four years the EMO is returning to Hanover, the venue that ever since the first event in the 1970s has been acknowledged as an international sectoral highlight and a superlative platform for showcasing innovations. Secondly, the early-booker offer presented to the exhibitors for the first time has taken full effect. It has already produced a definite plus in terms of area and the number of exhibitors, explains the EMO's General Commissioner. Not only have German manufacturers registered for sizeable stands, but more especially Asian companies too. They have once again increased their areas in comparison to the previous event, a development that's been observable for years now. Overall, Asia currently accounts for more than a fifth of the EMO's exhibitors.
Under the motto of "Connecting systems for intelligent production", the world's upcoming premier trade fair for the metalworking sector focuses fruitfully on the megatrend of digitisation and networking under the aegis of Industry 4.0. To quote Carl Martin Welcker: "With our new motto, we've certainly hit the bulls-eye with our exhibitors. Numerous firms can identify with this slogan, and will be showcasing their solutions in the field of Industry 4.0 either on their own stands or in the Industry 4.0 Area". This, believes the EMO's General Commissioner, has created the optimum foundation for progressing the success story generated by former events in Hanover.
EMO Hannover 2017 – the world's premier trade fair for the metalworking sector
From 18 to 23 September 2017, international manufacturers of production technology will be spotlighting "Connecting systems for intelligent production" at the EMO Hannover 2017. The world's premier trade fair for the metalworking industry will be showcasing the entire bandwidth of today's most sophisticated metalworking technology, which is the heart of every industrial production process. The fair will be presenting the latest machines, plus efficient technical solutions, product-supportive services, sustainability in the production process, and much, much more. The principal focus of the EMO Hannover is on metal-cutting and forming machine tools, production systems, high-precision tools, automated material flows, computer technology, industrial electronics and accessories. The trade visitors to the EMO come from all major sectors of industry, such as machinery and plant manufacturers, the automotive industry and its component suppliers, the aerospace sector, precision mechanics and optics, shipbuilding, medical technology, tool and die manufacture, steel and lightweight construction. The EMO Hannover is the world's most important international meeting point for production technology specialists from all over the planet. In 2013, the fair attracted more than 2,130 exhibitors, and around 143,000 trade visitors from more than 100 different countries. EMO is a registered trademark of the European Committee for Cooperation of the Machine Tool Industry CECIMO.
Portrait of EMO HANNOVER
EMO Hannover is the world's premier trade fair for the metalworking sector. It is the the top global trade fair of the sector and the most efficient marketing instrument in the branch, bringing together manufacturers.
Exhibitors come to EMO Hannover from all over the world and from all segments of metalworking technology. With approximately 60% of exhibitors from outside of Germany, EMO Hannover is the world's most international trade fair for metalworking. Experts from the industry know and recognise that fact - which is another reason why no other trade fair can match the international character of EMO Hannover's visiting public.
EMO Hannover's exhibitors have long since aligned their innovation cycles to the world's leading trade fair for metalworking. As a result, more innovations are unveiled here than at any other trade fair in the industry - which in turn makes EMO Hannover a key point of reference for the decisionmakers in the production technology segment.
EMO Hannover presents an unparalleled width and depth of products and services throughout all production areas, from machine tools and production systems for cutting and forming which form the heart of machining, precision tools, accessories and controller technology, to system elements and components for automated manufacturing. This is what makes EMO so attractive and draws the whole spectrum of user industries to Hannover.
EMO visitors are best qualified specialists who come from all over the world. Their in-depth knowledge of the industry and their decision making power is unequalled. That is owed to the innovation potential of productivity and efficiency presented to them at the fair.
The EMO Hannover is organised by the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW), located in Frankfurt am Main, on behalf of the European European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, (Cecimo).
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